Emails that I get from Keri Smith's woke cancel horde
Remember, they're all good anti-woke Christians.
If you’re new here and wondering what’s going on, make sure you refer to The Book to see Keri Smith’s obsession with me from the beginning.
Start here.
I want to walk you through some of the emails that I get from members of Keri Smith’s woke cancel mob on an almost daily basis.
Here are a few gems from the last few months. All of these emails came in via my Schools Exposed program, which is a program that I’ve built to help parents understand what the schools are teaching.
Keri’s mob has called me a scam artist for doing this and can’t stand the fact that my crowdfunding campaign was successful. So, they retaliate by doing this:
Remember, these are people who claim to be good Christians who are against woke culture.
Keri’s cancel mob swears these emails didn’t come from them…as they are hate watching every stream I do to post as many unflattering pictures on the internet of me as they can while talking about how they have whole threads going about me.
UPDATE 2: Keri’s woke cancel horde is trying to pretend I’m making these emails up. So, I thought I’d post a video going through my inbox:
Next, they’ll say that I faked it, that I sent myself the emails.
Well, if that was true, and they would never do such a thing, then why exactly do I have all these screenshots of them making fun of my looks? The following are just a few recent examples. And, if you recall, Keri is rather fond of making fun of my looks as well.
But remember, these are good Christians who are completely hinged into reality and definitely not a woke cancel mob that makes fun of someone’s looks because they have nothing else to do with their sad, pathetic lives.
And if you still believe them and that I staged the whole thing (even though there’s an entire website filled with evidence of them harassing me), I guess that’s your business.
What evil hatefilled people or should I call them something else? Anyway I'm with Jalzha in saying that I'm sorry that you have to deal with these things. And the ugliness comes from them.
That was hard to read. I'm sorry you have to deal with that every day. I'm also sorry there are actually people who
seem to take joy in such ugliness. What are they accomplishing besides high-fives from their group? Oh, that's right, they don't care about accomplishing anything productive.