Chapter 13. Keri Smith is still obsessed with me.
And she REALLY doesn't like her pastor reading this site. January 2023 - early February 2023.
It’s 2023, and the book is still going.
But it started in November 2020. If you’re new to it, please start at the beginning and read chapter 1 to fully understand Keri Smith’s unhinged lunacy.
This book is designed to be read in order, from the beginning, so you can understand how it escalated to get to this.
I was reading HG Tudor’s book Smeared last night, which documents how narcissists will engage in smear campaigns against their targets:
I don’t believe Keri Smith is a narcissist. Some people disagree with me on this, and they’re entitled to their opinions. They would argue that writing this book is feeding Keri’s narcissism and that this is what she wants, and they may have a point. It’s certainly something I’ve considered.
But, ultimately, I believe that Keri either has a dissociative disorder or borderline personality disorder caused by the trauma she experienced in childhood and, for whatever reason, she has inextricably convinced herself that I am her abusive mother. Remember the essay she wrote about me, which was discussed in chapter 5.
Regardless, I believe her goals are the same as the narcissistic smear campaign. When this started in November 2020, I believe she was trying to turn people against me because she believed she was entitled to the attention I was getting that she was not.
So she started lying about me all over the internet, which has been well documented in the chapters of the book.
And when she was held to account for the lies she was telling in February 2022 - the first time I publicly pushed back on her in any real way, over a year after she started her smear campaign - she started upping the ante. She started telling people I was forming a hunting posse to get her, just like Charles Manson, that I was a groomer, and that I supported pedophilia.
And that’s why most people don’t fight back when they’re being smeared like I have - when you hold mentally unhinged people like Keri Smith to account, they just get worse and more unhinged.
But I don’t bend the knee to woke SJW’s like this bitch.
She can do her worst and I won’t stop documenting it. People can look at the evidence (or not) and believe what they like. If people can’t tell what she’s doing at this point, with overwhelming evidence, then they aren’t the type of people I care to be associated with.
Besides, what else can she really smear me with at this point? She’s called me a mass murderer, a groomer, and a pedophile (none of which she’s provided receipts for, of course).
What else can she try? All she can do is continue to double down.
In today’s chapter, you'll see just that, with Keri again doubling down on the pedophile claim.
Just like a good Christian would do.
But first, let’s bring everyone up to speed on what has happened since the last chapter of the book.
When we last left off in our story, one of Keri Smith’s final acts of 2022 was tweeting about me…almost as if I’m always on her mind. Notice the time stamp - it was literally one of her last acts of the year:
Keri has a pattern of behavior when it comes to me: Every time she’s called out on her insanity, she stays quiet for a while (seemingly trying to prove she’s not the real problem). She’s been told many times by many people that if she REALLY believes I’m the narcissist she thinks I am, then her best bet is to implement a full no contact regime in which she stops talking about me, stops interacting with people talking about me, and stops thinking about me entirely.
This typically lasts no more than a week or two, until she springs up when she just can’t take her no contact regime anymore.
She just can’t quit me. It’s almost like she doesn’t really believe I’m a narcissist if she won’t stop talking about me.
Keri started the year with an obsession over the AI art picture I’m using for my Twitter profile image:
My hateful obsession? Sure, Keri. We can all see that the real problem here is me documenting your public statements.
Remember, kids, Jesus would absolutely call people ugly and obsess over their profile photos. That’s what Christ’s love looks like.
The full documentation of this incident is in one of the previous updates to this site, if you want more juicy details.
Keri went quiet again for a few weeks ago after, only chiming in on the account stalking me making fun of the Mises Caucus account.
Remember, Keri and her woke cancel mob are still pissed they were unsuccessful at their repeated attempts to get the Libertarians to denounce me, so they go after them every chance they get.
Remember, this is what Keri tweeted back in August when she was actively harassing the libertarians for supporting me:
Doesn’t that sound familiar to what Keri tweeted following her mocking the Mises Caucus on January 23, 2023? It’s almost like she just acts out the same playbook over and over again:
I’m also at least partially convinced that this could be because Keri was privately contacting people to try to get them to cancel me, and they refused. I’ve documented times when she’s done that on this site. Keri always retaliates on those people in some way - if they support me in stead of going alone with her demands, they get a little punishment for their trouble.
And then a new cancel mob sprung up targeting Eliza Bleu led by one of Keri’s best friends, failed comedian and conservative grifter Chrissie Mayr.
And you know that woke “former” SJWs like Keri just can’t resist a good cancel mob.
So, she joined in not only to cancel Eliza, but to remind people that I was an evil pedophile groomer.
One of the things they’re doing to cancel Eliza is to circulate a clip of her on a podcast talking about how the community should set values in regard to age of consent.
Here’s Keri replying to this:
And then something funny happened in another reply Keri made to this tweet:
She’s obviously calling her former boss from Unsafe Space Carter (who is an anarcho-capitalist, or AnCap) a pedophile. It almost seems like Keri is purposefully breaking the cease and desist letter that Carter sent her when she was engaging in a smear campaign against him, which I documented in Chapter 8.
Here’s what Keri and the cancel mob she’s engaging with aren’t telling you about what Eliza said: This clip is of a libertarian thought experiment.
Eliza is a libertarian, an anarcho-capitalist. That means that she does not believe the government should exist. Therefore, she does not believe the government should be in charge of enforcing morality through legislation and other means would have to be adopted. Whether you agree with your solutions or not, that is the context in which she was making this statement.
She’s not supporting grooming. She’s saying there should be other mechanisms that are not the state by which moral standards are set.
This was explicitly explained to Chrissie Mayr on her own show by the cost of the podcast they were using the clip from:
Of course, the cancel mob doesn’t care about context. They only care about their smear campaign.
Chrissie Mayr was visibly unhappy when she was told this wasn’t advocating for grooming, and has since continued to use this clip to smear Eliza like this conversation never happened. Probably being Chrissie isn’t the brightest crayon on the box and didn’t fully understand what was being explained to her, but her stupidity is another topic for another day.
I think what’s happening to Eliza is incredibly unfair, and I’ve defended her publicly, particularly on this issue:
And, of course, when I did this and told the truth that they had already been told by the podcast host, Keri Smith and her cancel mob said “oh boy, we get to call Karlyn a pedophile again!”
Keri also RTed it to spread the smear:
The Libertarians did already talk about it.
To people you know.
Live, on the internet.
Let’s watch the clip of this happening again:
And they have no excuse for not knowing this, because Chrissie Mayr literally retweeted this clip the day prior to them using it in their smear campaign:
This is the link referenced in the tweet above, so you can watch the full context and see for yourself. Unlike Keri and her cancel mob, we care about context here.
But like magic, Keri started responding to the smears she and her friends spread about me back in July, which I’ve documented here.
I’ve literally documented over 1,000 screenshots on this website showing Keri Smith doing exactly what I’ve said she’s done, and she continues to deny that they exist.
I’ve shown you how Keri Smith and her best friend Mike Harlow dragged my college boyfriend through the mud to smear me.
You’re welcome to look through all of the content here and decide for yourself if there are “no receipts” as Keri claims.
And then Keri accuses me of harassing her pastor…because he reads this site.
Hi, Bradley (Keri’s pastor at the Church on the Square in Georgetown Texas). Yes, I know you’re reading this. And Keri hates that.
Bradley has been subscribed to this site for almost two months, and the five stars next to his email address show that he’s reading every single post:
And of course, Bradley could have unsubscribed himself at any time. There is a clear unsubscribe link at the bottom of each and every email:
I personally think that Bradley has not unsubscribed because he knows everything I’ve said about Keri is true and he’s keeping an eye on her psychotic behavior, but he’s too afraid to do anything about it because he knows that Keri will turn on him if he does.
When I pointed out that Bradley is welcome to unsubscribe anytime he likes, a member of Keri’s cancel mob that has literally given herself Lyme Disease in order to garner sympathy from others asserted that I was trying to cancel Bradley!
On the contrary, I think it’s great that Bradley is keeping an eye on Keri’s behavior. Maybe he’ll act like the man of God he claims to be some day and intervene.
Then, another member of Keri’s cancel horde replied saying I was running an obvious sock account to trick them!
Remember, they’re all highly paranoid and think that everyone who supports me is a fake account that I created, so why would this be any different?
Well, let’s see. I had to block out the email address when I posted it on Twitter to prevent getting banned from the site, but I can post public information here without fear…and Bradley’s email address is public information.
Here is Bradley’s email on his church facebook page:
And here’s the same email address on my subscriber list with a five star rating, which means he opens every email:
Cry harder, cancel mob.
I fully expect that Keri is going to blow up over me again sometime in the next month or so, but I’d be thrilled to be proven wrong.
Subscribe to this site for updates on her ongoing unhinged behavior and attempted smear campaign: